Rose-Tinted Rupture

Anne Speier, Athena Papadopoulos, Eleanor Pratt, Hetty Douglas Jala Wahid, Karla Black, Leah Schrager, May Hands and Phoebe Collings James

A curatorial project for Twin XIV, Spring 2016

Curated by Kate Neave

A curatorial project for Twin exploring the tensions and complexities of contemporary feminism. In a recent New Yorker piece Lena Dunham wrote 'I like admitting that my feminism and my femininity are not fully formed or in perfect harmony'. The artists on these pages tease out social constructs and gender norms, their work subtly shifting and destabilising, testing the boundaries of feminism and the dynamic with desire. The artists subvert expectations to re-appropriate the feminine, with their light touch disguising political and subversive implications.